'Combat Fitness | Green Beret’s Challenge'

'Combat Fitness | Green Beret’s Challenge'
11:18 Dec 1, 2022
'KIDS and GUNS | 5 Steps for a safer home https://assets.cdn.usconcealedcarry.com/pdf/guides/USCCA_5SimpleStepsToASaferHome.pdf  Your mind will quit far before your body…  Watch Alex and Daniel put their physical and mental strength to the test in this brutal workout/fight. This circuit was designed by former Special Forces @theoperationalathlete, with the intent to push even the most fit to their limits and beyond.  SHIRTS AVAILABLE: http://shop.ironinfidel.com/Rsmhh7  Subscribe to Matt\'s Channel for similar content!  https://youtube.com/channel/UCwUW5Trsntz5Eim0nCsU5CA' 

Tags: bodybuilding , training , crossfit , strength training , athlete , MMA , ufc , functional fitness , tactical , boxing , police , military , Mixed Martial Arts , SWAT , Special Operations

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